If ever there was a day made for adventure (and by adventure, I mean tiptoeing around muddy puddles), it was a drizzly February afternoon in Knaresborough. With Phoebe, the lady of the leash with a bark much worse then her bite, and George, the canine embodiment of a teddy bear, in tow, we set off along the riverside. The air was thick with the promise of soaked socks and muddy paws, but the dogs didn't seem to mind. Phoebe weaving in and out of the puddles, her long black coat almost brushing the damp pavement. While George trotted calmly beside me, looking up at me hopefully for a yummy treat to appear in my hand.
As we ventured into the woods, the drizzle turned into what can only be described as a full-on shower. George, now resembling a soggy mop with legs, decided to shake his coat all over me every 10 steps. Phoebe, not caring about the rain in the slightest barked every so often as if to say keep up, occasionally casting an annoyed glance at her bedraggled companion. Despite the weather, their antics brought a warmth to the day that no amount of rain could dampen. Because let's face it, there's nothing quite like the sight of a soggy, frizzy George and a muddy, soaked Phoebe to lift your spirits—or your eyebrows.
Safe walkies everyone and lets hope for better weather this week!
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